Enjoying His GRACE
Knowing His BIBLE
Building His CHURCH

Sermons (Page 13)

Past Sermons

Trust God: The Good News of Jesus REALLY is Unstoppable!
God's Promises turn gospel Obstacles into Opportunities
God's Promises turn gospel Obstacles into Opportunities
Defend YOURSELF when it means Defending the GOSPEL

I AM the Vine

Remain in Christ and you will bear fruit
Pride is sickening to God and man; God gives grace to the humble!
In Spiritual life, reputation without reality is worthless. Wake Up; be Revived

Unity Matters

Our unity is to reflect the unity within the trinity
Jesus says it's Intolerable to Tolerate some things!
Be on Guard against Both, Obvious Danger without, Insidious Danger within and Look for the Glorious Promise from Him
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