Enjoying His GRACE
Knowing His BIBLE
Building His CHURCH

Sermons (Page 7)

Past Sermons

Genuine Christians Will Persevere in Trusting Jesus because God keeps His Promise to Preserve us.
The Holy Spirit's Call to Salvation is Simply Irresistible
People will Never Desire God Unless God First Changes their Heart
God Wants his Children to Know: We have Eternal Life, What we Ask and we are Set Apart. Adult Sunday School – You CAN Handle the Truth
God Chooses us in Love, for His Good Purposes, to Display His Glory
"The John 3:16 of the Old Testament" - Psalm 23
Know that He is your Father... and Listen!
In times of distress the godly pray for God's salvation
You are God's Child - So Act Like it!
God's Wrath is Real: Judging all Wickedness and God's Faithfulness is fool-proof: Offering Grace to All
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